Rose, Michael. Review of SAIF Starts with Public Records. StatesmanJournal.com. Aug. 24, 2004.
SAIF is currently in court over mis-handling of public records. The former president of SAIF - Katherine Keene - testified that she cleaned out her Inbox by deleting all e-mails at the end of each business day, which was in violation of legislation requiring all public officials to keep most of their e-mail. Think about this some ... are you (i) aware of all the requirements for retention/destruction of e-mail that impact you personally in your role working for whatever organization you're with? (ii) which industry legislation applies to you? (iii) do you adhere to these regulations or are you in violation? (iv) what would the impact be on you personally and/or on your organization if this were to go to court? Scary but important to think this through.