
Bowers, Toni. Beware the unmanaged risk of e-mail and instant messaging. TechRepublic. May 4, 2005.

Beware the unmanaged risk of e-mail and instant messaging Some good stats in here: - 65% of companies lack e-mail retention policies - 54% of the corporations surveyed conduct e-mail policy training in some shape or form - 20% of U.S. companies have had employee e-mail supoenaed in the course of a lawsuit or regulatory investigation - American Home Products Corp. was fined 3.5 Billion ... e-mail was key evidence - Good quotes from Nancy Flynn (ePolicy Institute): (1) "Employers should look at e-mail and litigation in terms of not IF we someday have our employee e-mail subpoenaed but WHEN we have our employee e-mail subpoenaed", (2) "e-mail and instant messages are a primary source of evidence in court cases. They are the electronic equivalent of DNA evidence". Bottom line: IM & E-mail content need to be managed.