
Police intend to charge O'Brien. Ottawa Citizen. Dec. 8, 2007.

Another example of e-mail being used as evidence ... this one focused on the Mayor of Ottawa ... Police intend to charge O'Brien. David


Minzesheimer, Bob. Check your e-mail - before you hit send. Indystar.com. Apr. 12, 2007.

New book out called "Send: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home". Author summarizes the book's best advice in the article ... "Think before you send". There. I've saved you having to read the book. (But go buy it anyways ... ) http://indystar.gns.gannett.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070412/TECH01/703080395/1001/TECH David

White House lost Over FIVE MILLION e-mails in two year period | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. CREW. Apr. 12, 2007.

Story continues to unfold ... 5 million e-mails missing at the White House ... what fun. http://www.citizensforethics.org/node/27603 David


Franken, Bob. White House unofficial e-mail accounts draw scrutiny. CNN.com. Apr. 10, 2007

White House unofficial e-mail accounts draw scrutiny - CNN.com Good example of e-mail & compliance (sic) issues ... this time at the White House. David


Calabresi, Massimo. Question Time in the Attorney Firings. TIME. March 28, 2007.

Question Time in the Attorney Firings TIME Now that's e-mail in the news ... how'd you like the Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee to be holding your e-mail up in a press conference? David


Yost, Pete & Lara Jordon. E-mails Detail U.S. Attorney Firings. TIME. March 20, 2007.

Been awhile since I blogged ... recent news story ... another example of e-mail in the news ... E-mails Detail U.S. Attorney Firings TIME: "eight U.S. attorneys might not stand up to scrutiny. " David